Other Things

zwa blanket

zwa blanket

Special order blanket for youngest grandson.....had to make more because other grandsons saw it....ooops!!

Ada's cake
For each of my great grandbabies' first birthdays I crocheted them a cake....


dollhouse bedspreaddollhouse bedspread up close

dollhouse bedspread

bedspread for a 1:12 scale dollhouse bed. I made it with regular sewing thread and a 13 hook. Each little piece is made separately and then crocheted together. One tiny star circle measures 1/8 inch.
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dollhouse throw rug

dollhouse throw rug

 I separated yarn to one strand and then crocheted it with a #8 hook. It measured about 1.75 x 3.
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Molly tissue box 2Molly tissue boxMolly tissue box 3

Molly tissue box 4Molly tissue box top


 made tissue box covers for the great grandbabies....all similar but different

Molly bib
and bibs for them all
this is Molly's


Thaniel's cement truckairplane for Thaniel

Not all amigurumi is animal or human...  
helicopter,  truck and airplane for Nathaniel